April 10, 2011

Pet Photography | Charlie | 03-29-11

Two weeks ago I managed to take a few new images of my sister's dog Charlie.  A lot of times when I see him he'll bring his ball on a rope to me so that I can play with him.  Other times he'll get so tired that he'll want to take a nap.


  1. Love the intense expression on Charlie’s face. Seems to be saying, “ok, I am waiting to play”. You can never go wrong with children and animal photography . . . guess it is the “ohhhhh” factor.

  2. Charlies eyes are so expressive in the first photo. They are full of anticipation and hope. There is a progression from I'm ready and willing... to I'm worn out and finally...I'm gone.

  3. Your shots are great. Pet photography is hard to do but you did it! You definitely captured his personality.

  4. His hair almost looks like it matches the rope in the first photo. He looks excited in that photo, like he is expecting you to play with him.
